8 Ways Cosmetic Dentistry Can Help Your Smile

A smile is one of the first features we notice when meeting someone new. So, having an aesthetically-pleasing smile can help improve your confidence and your first impressions. Whether you have minor concerns about your smile's appearance or want a completely revitalized look, cosmetic dentistry can help you create the smile of your dreams. 

8 Cosmetic Treatments Designed to Maximize Dental Beauty

1. Professional Teeth Whitening

Professional teeth whitening treatments are one of the simplest ways to improve your smile. Professional treatments are fast, effective, and safe. Professional treatments work much more quickly than over-the-counter teeth-whitening products to lift stains and brighten, whiten, and even out the color of your tooth enamel. Plus, we'll work with you to create a whitening program designed to help you achieve your desired level of brightness. 

2. Gum and Teeth Contouring

Gum and teeth contouring treatments can change the shape of your smile by removing slight portions of tooth enamel or reimaging the gum line. Tooth contouring treatments can be used to correct an irregularly shaped tooth or a tooth that is longer than the others. Gum contouring is most commonly used when patients wish to change the look of a gummy smile. 

3. Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are thin wafers of porcelain that are designed to fit seamlessly over a person's natural teeth. Veneers can completely cover the entire visible portion of the teeth, creating a whole new look. They can cover up tooth gaps, irregularly sized or shaped teeth, stains, and chips. They can even be used to create the appearance of a perfectly straight smile without braces or Invisalign. 

4. Composite Bonding

Also referred to as "tooth bonding," dental bonding uses tooth-colored composite resin to reshape, re-contour, or resurface a patient's teeth. Bonding can be used to fix chips and cracks, fill in gaps between teeth, cover up permanent discoloration, and correct an irregularly sized or shaped tooth to enhance smile symmetry.

Typically, tooth bonding costs less than porcelain veneers. Plus, bonding does not necessarily have to be a permanent treatment, as is the case with dental veneers. 

5. Cosmetic Orthodontics

While straightening your teeth can have health benefits, such as reducing your risk of tooth decay, cavities, gum disease, and temporomandibular joint disorder, it also has a big impact on the look of your smile. So, even if your misalignments are not significant enough to threaten the health of your teeth, straightening your teeth for cosmetic purposes can improve your smile's balance and symmetry, improving your overall appearance. 

6. Cosmetic Dental Crowns

Dental crowns have restorative applications in addition to cosmetic benefits. They can, however, offer purely cosmetic benefits when used to correct the shape or size of an irregular tooth. They can also be used to cover up old, silver-colored, amalgam fillings that are visible in your smile. 

7. Cosmetic Dental Bridges

Dental bridges can be used to correct and improve the appearance of several teeth that are in consecutive order inside the mouth by replacing them. A dental bridge consists of one or two anchor teeth (usually anchored with dental crowns or dental implants) and a "bridge" of replacement teeth called a pontic in between. 

8. Cosmetic Dental Implants

Dental implants are a permanent tooth-replacement option. They're among the most popular treatment option for replacing missing teeth to restore the form and function of a smile. In addition to restoring your smile, dental implants also offer cosmetic benefits, as they look and feel just like a natural tooth. 

Pairing Cosmetic Dentistry With Restorative Treatments for a Healthy and Beautiful Smile

A healthy smile is a beautiful smile, and healthy, well-cared-for teeth encounter fewer oral health issues that result in the need for cosmetic treatments. At Grove City Smiles, we place a strong emphasis on general and preventive dentistry to keep our patients' smiles healthy and happy. That being said, there's no more powerful tool for achieving a healthy and attractive smile than the combination of restorative and cosmetic treatments designed to restore the health and function of your smile while also creating the aesthetic appearance you desire. 

To learn more about how restorative and cosmetic dental treatments can help you achieve your smile goals, we welcome you to contact our office today. During a consultation with our dentist, we can talk with you about your smile goals, examine your teeth and gums, and work with you to create a personalized treatment plan designed to meet your needs and help you reach your oral health goals. 

We Can’t Wait To Meet You

We look forward to meeting you. Call (614) 350-5300 or request an appointment online to set up your first visit. We’ll be in touch soon.

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